The Full Bayesian Thing
Bayesian data analysis of a Bayesian model
To Run: Copy to codebox on
var actions = ['italian', 'french'];
var transition = function(state, action){
var nextStates = ['bad', 'good', 'spectacular'];
var nextProbs = (action === 'italian') ? [0.2, 0.6, 0.2] : [0.05, 0.9, 0.05];
return categorical(nextProbs, nextStates);
var utility = function(state){
var table = {
bad: -10,
good: 6,
spectacular: 8
return table[state];
var softMaxAgent = function(state, alpha){
return Infer({ method: 'enumerate' }, function(){
var action = uniformDraw(actions);
var expectedUtility = function(action){
return expectation(Infer({ method: 'enumerate' }, function(){
return utility(transition(state, action));
factor(alpha * expectedUtility(action));
return action;
var data = ['italian', 'french','french','french','french','french','french',
'french','french','french','french','french','italian', 'italian',
var dataAnalysisModel = function(){
var alpha = uniform(0, 5);
var cognitiveModel = softMaxAgent('initialState', alpha);
map(function(d){observe(cognitiveModel, d)}, data)
return {
alpha: alpha,
french_prediction: Math.exp(cognitiveModel.score("french"))
var numSamples = 5000;
var inferOpts = {
method: "MCMC",
samples: numSamples,
burn: numSamples / 2,
callbacks: [editor.MCMCProgress()]
var posterior = Infer(inferOpts, dataAnalysisModel);;
Check out:
- Prior predictive
- What if your model is wrong? (switch agent’s beliefs about utilities)