Data - prediction (VAE)

In more traditional machine learning, we are often interested in learning simpler representations from larger data sets ( small model, big data). We have shown that probabilistic programming is particularly well suited for a different scenario – big model, small data (e.g., the agents chapter). However, these two different paradigms are starting to inform each other; in this example, we’ll look at the webppl approach to handling a more traditional ML tasks: encoding handwritten digits.

An awful MNIST demo

Encoder parameters

An important idea in tasks such as these is that of a compressed representation (e.g., a 7 segment display).

Encoding binary images

A simple model

Here’s a simple (but incomplete) model of a 3x3 binary image:

// a latent code for some image
var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({
  mu: zeros([2, 1]),
  sigma: ones([2, 1])
// todo: a decoder
var f = function(z) {
  // Not yet implemented.
var probs = f(z);
var pixels = sample(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}));

Where we would like f to be some function that maps our latent z(in ) to a vector of probabilities.

sample(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs})) is roughly map(flip, probs). We just have 0/1 not true/false, and a tensor rather than an array.

Using a neural net for f

One choice of function for f is a neural net. Since we don’t know what the weights of the net are, so we put a prior on those:

var drawPixels = function(pixels) {
  // pixels is expected to be a tensor with dims [9,1]
  var pSize = 30; // pixel size
  var radius = 17;
  var canvas = Draw(pSize * 3, pSize * 3, true);
  map(function(y) {
    map(function(x) {
      if (T.get(pixels, (y * 3) + x) > 0.5) {
        canvas.polygon((x+0.5)*pSize, (y+0.5)*pSize, 4, radius, 0, true)
    }, _.range(3))
  }, _.range(3))

var sampleMatrix = function() {
  var mu = zeros([18,1]);
  var sigma = ones([18,1]);
  T.reshape(sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: mu, sigma: sigma})),

var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: zeros([2,1]), sigma: ones([2,1])}));

var W = sampleMatrix();
var f = function(z) {
  return T.sigmoid(, z));
var probs = f(z);

var pixels = sample(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}));


Add observations

We can extend this to multiple images, and add observations in the usual way. Note that the neural net f is shared across all data points.

var printPixels = function(t) {
  var ar = map(function(x) { x > 0.5 ? "*" : " "},;
  print([ar.slice(0,3).join(' '),
   ar.slice(3,6).join(' '),
   ar.slice(6,9).join(' ')

var sampleMatrix = function() {
  var mu = zeros([18,1]);
  var sigma = ones([18,1]);
  var v = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}));
  return T.reshape(v, [9,2]);

var drawPixels = function(pixels) {
  // pixels is expected to be a tensor with dims [9,1]
  var pSize = 30; // pixel size
  var radius = 17;
  var canvas = Draw(pSize * 3, pSize * 3, true);
  map(function(y) {
    map(function(x) {
      if (T.get(pixels, (y * 3) + x) > 0.5) {
        canvas.polygon((x+0.5)*pSize, (y+0.5)*pSize, 4, radius, 0, true)
    }, _.range(3))
  }, _.range(3))

var drawLatents = function(tensors) {
  // turn array of tensors in to array of arrays.
  var zs = map(function(t) {
    map(function(i) { T.get(t, i);  }, _.range(2))
  }, tensors)

  var size = 400;
  var canvas = Draw(size, size, true);

  var drawPoints = function(canvas, positions, color){
    if (positions.length == 0) { return []; }
    var next = positions[0];[0]*100+(size/2), next[1]*100+(size/2), 2, color, color);
    drawPoints(canvas, positions.slice(1), color);

  drawPoints(canvas, zs.slice(0, 50), 'red')
  drawPoints(canvas, zs.slice(50), 'blue')

var letterL = Vector([1,0,0,

var number7 = Vector([1,1,1,

var data = append(repeat(50, function() { letterL }),
                  repeat(50, function() { number7 }))

var model = function() {

  var W = sampleMatrix();
  var f = function(z) { T.sigmoid(, z));  };

  var zs = map(function(x) {
    var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: zeros([2,1]), sigma: ones([2,1])}));
    var probs = f(z);
    observe(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}), x);
    return z;
  }, data);

  return {W: W, zs: zs}

var dist = Infer({method: 'optimize',
                  optMethod: {adam: {stepSize: 0.1}}, // note: stepSize matters a lot
                  steps: 150
                 }, model)

var out = sample(dist);
var W = out.W;

print('some characters:')
var someZs = repeat(10, function() { uniformDraw(out.zs) })
map(function(z) {
  var pixels = T.sigmoid(, z));
}, someZs)

print('latent codes:')

Inference in this model will work… but how well?

  1. This straight-forward application of VI has lots of parameters to optimize. Means and variances of the neural net weights, means and variances of the latent z for each data point.
  2. Learning the uncertainty in the weights of a neural net could be difficult.
  3. If we wanted to model MNIST digits we would have to map over 60K data points during every execution.

There are changes we can make to address these problems:

Improvement 1 - Recognition net

By default, VI uses a mean-field guide program. i.e. each latent variable will have an independent guide distribution.

An alternative strategy for guiding the latent z is to generate the guide parameters using a neural net that maps a single image to the parameters of the guide for that image.

The weights of this net are still variational parameters (because they are parameters of the guide), but we now have parameters shared across data points.

This technique is one approach to “amortized inference”.

var printPixels = function(t) {
  var ar = map(function(x) { x > 0.5 ? "*" : " "},;
  print([ar.slice(0,3).join(' '),
   ar.slice(3,6).join(' '),
   ar.slice(6,9).join(' ')

var sampleMatrix = function() {
  var mu = zeros([18,1]);
  var sigma = ones([18,1]);
  var v = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}));
  return T.reshape(v, [9,2]);

var letterL = Vector([1,0,0,

var number7 = Vector([1,1,1,

var data = append(repeat(50, function() { letterL }),
                  repeat(50, function() { number7 }))

var model = function() {

  var W = sampleMatrix();

  var f = function(z) {
    return T.sigmoid(, z));

  // *** START NEW ***
  var Wmu = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);
  var Wsigma = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);

  var recogNet = function(x) {
    // the net in the vae has an extra hidden layer
    var mu =, x);
    // pass through exp to ensure sigma is +ve
    var sigma = T.exp(, x));
    // these parameters match what is expected by DiagCovGaussian
    return {mu: mu, sigma: sigma};
  // *** END NEW ***

  var zs = map(function(x) {

    var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: zeros([2,1]), sigma: ones([2,1])}), {
      // *** START NEW ***
      guide: DiagCovGaussian(recogNet(x))
      // *** END NEW ***

    var probs = f(z);

    observe(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}), x);

    return z;

  }, data);

  // return the things we're interested in
  return {zs: zs, W: W};


var dist = Infer({method: 'optimize',
                  optMethod: {adam: {stepSize: 0.1}},
                  steps: 150
                 }, model)

var out = dist.sample();
var W = out.W;
var someZs = repeat(10, function() { uniformDraw(out.zs) })
map(function(z) {
  printPixels(T.sigmoid(, z)))
}, someZs)

Improvement 2 - Use point estimates of the neural net weights

Instead of trying to infer the full posterior over the weights of f, we can use a Delta distribution as the guide. When optimizing the variational objective, this is equivalent to doing maximum likelihood with regularization for these parameters. (i.e. MAP estimation.)

var printPixels = function(t) {
  var ar = map(function(x) { x > 0.5 ? "*" : " "},;
  print([ar.slice(0,3).join(' '),
   ar.slice(3,6).join(' '),
   ar.slice(6,9).join(' ')

var letterL = Vector([1,0,0,

var number7 = Vector([1,1,1,

var data = append(repeat(50, function() { letterL }),
                  repeat(50, function() { number7 }))

var sampleMatrix = function() {
  var mu = zeros([18,1]);
  var sigma = ones([18,1]);
  var v = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}), {
    // *** START NEW ***
    guide: Delta({v: tensorParam([18, 1], 0, 1)})
    // *** END NEW ***
  return T.reshape(v, [9,2]);

var model = function() {

  var W = sampleMatrix()

  var f = function(z) {
    return T.sigmoid(, z));

  var Wmu = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);
  var Wsigma = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);

  var recogNet = function(x) {
    // the net in the vae has an extra hidden layer
    var mu =, x);
    // pass through exp to ensure sigma is +ve
    var sigma = T.exp(, x));
    // these are parameters match what is expected by DiagCovGaussian
    return {mu: mu, sigma: sigma};

  var zs = map(function(x) {

    var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: zeros([2,1]), sigma: ones([2,1])}), {
      guide: DiagCovGaussian(recogNet(x))

    var probs = f(z);

    observe(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}), x);

    return z;

  }, data);

  // return the things we're interested in
  return {zs: zs, W: W};


var dist = Infer({method: 'optimize',
                  optMethod: {adam: {stepSize: 0.1}},
                  steps: 150
                 }, model)

var out = dist.sample();
var W = out.W;
var someZs = repeat(10, function() { uniformDraw(out.zs) })
map(function(z) {
  printPixels(T.sigmoid(, z)))
}, someZs)

Improvement 3 - Use mapData

With VI it’s possible to take an optimization step without looking at all of the data. Instead, we can sub-sample a mini-batch of data, and use only this subset to compute gradient estimates.

Sub-sampling the data adds extra stochasticity to the already stochastic gradient estimates, but they are still correct in expectation.

In code, all we do to use mini-batches is switch from using map to mapData.

Note that by using mapData we’re asserting that the choices that happen in the function are conditionally independent, given the random choices the happen before the mapData.

var printPixels = function(t) {
  var ar = map(function(x) { x > 0.5 ? "*" : " "},;
  print([ar.slice(0,3).join(' '),
   ar.slice(3,6).join(' '),
   ar.slice(6,9).join(' ')

var letterL = Vector([1,0,0,

var number7 = Vector([1,1,1,

var data = append(repeat(50, function() { letterL }),
                  repeat(50, function() { number7 }))

var sampleMatrix = function() {
  var mu = zeros([18,1]);
  var sigma = ones([18,1]);
  var v = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: mu, sigma: sigma}), {
    guide: Delta({v: tensorParam([18, 1], 0, 1)})
  return T.reshape(v, [9,2]);

var model = function() {

  var W = sampleMatrix()

  var f = function(z) {
    return T.sigmoid(, z));

  var Wmu = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);
  var Wsigma = tensorParam([2, 9], 0, 0.1);

  var recogNet = function(x) {
    // the net in the vae has an extra hidden layer
    var mu =, x);
    // pass through exp to ensure sigma is +ve
    var sigma = T.exp(, x));
    // these are parameters match what is expected by DiagCovGaussian
    return {mu: mu, sigma: sigma};

  // *** NEW ***
  var zs = mapData({data: data, batchSize: 5}, function(x) {
    var z = sample(DiagCovGaussian({mu: zeros([2,1]), sigma: ones([2,1])}), {
      guide: DiagCovGaussian(recogNet(x))

    var probs = f(z);

    observe(MultivariateBernoulli({ps: probs}), x);

    return z;


  // return the things we're interested in
  return {zs: zs, W: W};


var dist = Infer({method: 'optimize',
                  optMethod: {adam: {stepSize: 0.1}},
                  steps: 150
                 }, model)

var out = dist.sample();
var W = out.W;
var someZs = repeat(10, function() { uniformDraw(out.zs) })
map(function(z) {
  printPixels(T.sigmoid(, z)))
}, someZs)

This model and inference strategy is known as the Variational Auto-encoder in the machine learning literature. See vae.wppl for an example of using this on the mnist data set.

The classifier at the top of this page was built using the latent codes in a very naive (but easy to implement) way – k-nearest neighbors on the mu component.